Golden Milk Granola is a delicious, nutritious and easy-to-prepare breakfast or snack that will give you a healthy start to the day. This granola is not only vegan and gluten-free, but also enriched with the valuable nutrients of turmeric.
The base of this granola is gluten-free rolled oats, rich in fiber and long-lasting energy. Pecans provide a creamy texture and provide healthy fats and protein to keep you full and satisfied. Chia seeds are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and provide additional fiber for healthy digestion.
Golden pleasure for your palate: discover the Golden Milk Granola!

The star of this granola, however, is turmeric, which gives the granola its bright yellow color and offers a variety of health benefits. Turmeric is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and can help strengthen the immune system and protect the body from disease. It is also a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from harmful free radicals.
The preparation of this granola is quite simple. You’ll mix the rolled oats, pecans, chia seeds, and turmeric in a bowl, then add maple syrup and unflavored oil to bind everything together. Spread the mixture evenly on a baking sheet and bake in the oven until crisp and golden brown.
Healthy crunch: try the delicious Golden Milk Granola!

The result is a crunchy granola with a deliciously tangy and slightly sweet flavor. You can enjoy it plain, serve it with plant-based yogurt or milk, or use it as a topping for smoothie bowls or desserts. Golden Milk Granola is versatile and goes well at any time of day.
High in fiber, healthy fats and protein, Golden Milk Granola is a nutritious snack that will provide you with long-lasting energy. It is ideal for an active lifestyle and is a healthy alternative to sugary cereals or snacks.
So, try this delicious and healthy Golden Milk Granola and enjoy the many benefits it offers. It’s an easy way to start your day with a delicious and nutritious breakfast or snack. Start your day Golden and give your body the nutrients it deserves!
You feel like a different granola today, then try it:
- Peanut butter granola (gluten free)
- Strawberry granola vegan
- Granola slices (25 minutes)
- Buckwheat granola
- Christmas Granola (oil-free, naturally sweetened)
- Chunky Monkey Granola
- Banana Bread Granola
- Vegan almond coconut granola
4 compelling reasons why you’ll love Golden Milk Granola!
- Healthy Ingredients: Golden Milk Granola is made with high-quality ingredients like gluten-free rolled oats, pecans, chia seeds and turmeric. These ingredients are rich in fiber, healthy fats, proteins and essential nutrients that provide your body with energy and contribute to overall health.
- Spicy taste: The combination of turmeric, maple syrup and other spices gives Golden Milk Granola a unique and spicy taste. It’s a delicious alternative to traditional sugary cereals and makes a nice change for your breakfast or snack.
- Versatile Uses: Golden Milk Granola is not only suitable as a breakfast option, but can also be used as a topping for yogurt, smoothie bowls or desserts. Their crunchy texture and tangy flavor add an interesting touch to your meals and snacks for extra enjoyment.
- Health benefits of turmeric: Turmeric, the main spice in Golden Milk Granola, has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It can help reduce inflammation in the body, strengthen the immune system and protect the body from free radical damage. By incorporating Golden Milk Granola into your diet, you can reap the health benefits of turmeric.
Are you ready for this Golden Milk Granola? I wish you a lot of fun with the imitation and of course about a rating at the bottom of this page. If you post a picture, use the hashtag #veganevibes.

Golden Milk Granola
- 300 g Haferflocken glutenfrei
- 120 g Pekannüsse grob gehackt (oder andere Nüsse nach Wahl)
- 3 EL Kokosnussraspeln
- 2 EL Chia Samen
- 50 g Kokosblütenzucker oder einen anderen Zucker nach Wahl
- 60 ml geschmackneutrales Öl oder Aquafaba* falls ölfrei
- 80 ml Ahornsirup
- 1 TL Kurkuma gemahlen oder ½ frische Kurkuma Wurzel geraspelt
- ½ TL Zimt
- ¼ TL Kardamom
- ¼ TL Pfeffer
- Eine Prise Salz
- frische Blaubeeren
- Bananenscheiben
- Erdbeeren
- Hafermilch
- Ofen auf 160 °C Umluft oder 180 °C Ober-Unterhitze vorheizen und ein Backblech mit Backpapier (oder Dauerbackmatte) vorbereiten.
- Große Schüssel bereitstellen. Haferflocken, Pekannüsse, Kokosnussraspeln, Chia Samen, Kokosblütenzucker, Öl, Ahornsirup, Kurkuma, Zimt, Kardamom, Pfeffer und eine Prise Salz hineingeben. Mit einem Löffel vermischen, bis sich alles gut verbunden hat.300 g Haferflocken, 120 g Pekannüsse, 3 EL Kokosnussraspeln, 2 EL Chia Samen, 50 g Kokosblütenzucker, 60 ml geschmackneutrales Öl, 80 ml Ahornsirup, 1 TL Kurkuma, ½ TL Zimt, ¼ TL Kardamom, ¼ TL Pfeffer, Eine Prise Salz
- Auf dem Backblech verteilen und 25 Minuten backen. Nach der Hälfte der Backzeit einmal mit dem Löffel durchfahren, damit alles gleichmäßig gebräunt wird.
- Aus dem Ofen nehmen, komplett auskühlen lassen und mit Toppings nach Wahl genießen.frische Blaubeeren, Bananenscheiben, Erdbeeren, Hafermilch